VDL (Virtual Data lease Line)

Next Generation Virtual Data lease Line (VDL) for ERP

Both side connected with fixed IP Local Data centers

Common problem of cross network server

1. Data Lagg (network latency ...)
2. Response Time and Bandwidth
3. Blocked by China Great Firewall
4. Expensive

Common Solutions

1. IPLC : International Private Leased Circuit, MPLS : Multiprotocol Label Switching
2. Cloud VPN, SD-WAN, VPN ...
3. Virtual Data lease Line (VDL) : a next generation data line technology, build between local city IDC

We are familiar with Netgate/pfsense firewall solutions, We are cyber security expert. We are providing the most secured and cost effective VDL ...

China office connected to fixed IP China IDC, Hong Kong office connected to fixed IP HK IDC, We build VDL between two IDC。

We call it Virtual Data lease Line (VDL): BOTH end have fixed IP, BOTH end have stable bandwidth, BOTH end are in the LOCAL data centers, Both end connected with dedicated & secured pfsense routers.

HK office: +852 2312-0878 Email: sales_team (at) topscoms. com  

China office: +86 0755 2590-4562 Email: sales_team (at) topscoms. cn

2M: HK$800/monthly, cover HK and China two area office points
3M: HK$1100/monthly, cover HK and China two area office points
4M: HK$1400/monthly, cover HK and China two area office points
5M: HK$1800/monthly, cover HK and China two area office points
6M: HK$2000/monthly, cover HK and China two area office points
* include pfsense routers at both end, both data center & bandwidth cost & general supporting
* China tax receipt can be provided